BooksMindset of Positive Belief

Mindset of Positive Belief

Your brain isn’t always able to distinguish between what is real, and what is fake.  This means that if you were to have a vulnerable thought, the brain will assume that there is a real threat in front of you, and will act accordingly.  So based on one negative thought, the body might switch into fight or flight – for you, this might mean you feel a flush of anxiety, or maybe your inner critic starts to speak to you in a harsh way.  Or you may find yourself full of rage, or bursting into tears without any warning.

But equally, we can bring positivity to ourselves too.  If the mind can’t distinguish between what is fake, or real, then you can also use this as a tool to get you into the mindset of positive belief.

Over the years, I have experimented with different phrases, and have found them to help create a great flow.  For instance, when I have a sore throat, if I say, ‘I feel rubbish’, then I actually will feel rubbish.  This is because the body will respond to what I am telling it.  Instead I like to replace the negative thought and repeat to myself ‘I feel great’.  After a while my body acts to support this belief instead.

During times when I have started to feel overwhelmed with the amount of things I need to do, I find myself saying ‘I’ve got too much to do!’.  The more I repeat this, both my body and mind start to tense and I start to feel anxious.   When I replace this with ‘I have all the time in the world’, with the repetition of the phrase I can feel my body and mind becoming calmer.

Some other phrases I have enjoyed using include, ‘I am safe, all is well’ and ‘Today is a great day’.  It is incredible to have witnessed how my body has responded.  Of course, it doesn’t happen straight away, and there needs to a belief behind it that it will work, but goes to show how the mind can be a powerful too when we use it in this way.

When writing my book, I almost let the negative thoughts get in the way.  I’m so glad I didn’t though, and next month, on the 10th May, I will be celebrating the 1st anniversary of its launch. To celebrate this, I have taken a positive step to raise the profile of the book and I have submitted it into the Platinum Awards.

I need your help!

To be in with a chance of winning, I would be grateful if you could vote for me.

All you have to do it click on this picture


Add: ‘Sarah Presley’ to the first box (Product Brand/Author/Service)

And ‘Making Friends with Yourself’ to the second box (Product Name/Title)

You will then be asked to solve an equation to show you are a human!


I would be eternally grateful for your support with this, and I will send many positive wishes your way as a way of thanks.


May you be filled with an abundance of blessings.



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